3D4K Complete Painters Kit
3D4K Complete Painters Kit
3D4K Complete Painters Kit
3D4K Complete Painters Kit

3D4K Complete Painters Kit

Regular price $481.00 Sale

With this complete kit you can have your huge 3D4K projection screen up in no time. This complete package includes your choice of a quart or gallon of 3D4K and a complete painters kit which includes 2 x Rollers, 1 Paint Tray and a roller handle.  

Projection Screen Paint designed for active 3d systems and able to shine in a well-lit area, this coating delivers high-gain superior clarity with 4K ready smooth coating technology. The most versatile product in the Paint On Screen lineup. 

Get the Complete Painters Kit!

Product Name: 3D4K

Gain:                                              2.4

Resolution:                                     HDR 1080p, 4K Ready

3D Capable:                                   Active Shutter

Coverage                                       170sqft Gallon / 40sqft Quart

Color:                                             Light Grey Silver
Apply:                                            Roll or Spray

Viewing Angle:                              140 degree viewing cone

MAP:                                             $299.00gal / $189.00qt