Paint On Screen Tech Talk
What makes Paint On Screen the most installed projection screen system in the world? That's a simple question. The answer is QUALITY!
Paint On Screen is created with the highest quality materials in the screen industry and beyond. We do not compromise on our formulations or our material purity standards.
We are the only manufacturer to use real .999 fine Silver, Diamond and Platinum.
Our core manufacturing process is the only projection screen creation process that uses formal quality control measures down to the micron ( µg ).
We are the only company to develop bespoke projection screen coatings on demand that meet our clients specifications.
Paint On Screen is the only internationally certified projection screen coating to ship worldwide.
Paint On Screen is very easy to apply.
It is designed to be applied just like any other interior paint. The screen can be used immediately after application. Care should be taken to ensure a smooth screen surface. A smoother screen, free of defects, provides the sharpest image. Paint On Screen will take 24 hours to cure to perfection but can be used immediately. Please review the Specification guide.
ROLLING INSTRUCTIONS: Radiant White, Digital Theater White, S1 Screen Plus, S1 Ultimate Contrast, 3D4K, Black, Edge, Wall and Ceiling, Primer, Color Match.
Simple rolling tips. Always use a roller when possible. If your screen goes into a corner cut in the corner first and then use a roller as close to the cut in the corner as possible. Roll with vertical strokes. If the screen is curved then roll with horizontal strokes. If the screen is a dome we suggest spraying.
Apply two coats to your screen surface and allow 1 hour between coats.
Work in one direction. Either start from left to right or right to left. Fully load the roller with paint. Make sure it is completely saturated before applying. A roller that is not evenly loaded will create tracks and patterns on the screen. completely coat the first vertical pass and then overlap the next pass by 50%. Always maintain a wet edge. After each new vertical pass back roll across the previous vertical pass or feather each new pass back into the previous pass.
HVLP with between 1 - 2 mm tip. Use 35 psi +- 10 psi. Remove any water from the air compressor. Use an inline desiccant filter. Use 100 mesh or higher strainer. Apply 4 - 8 coats. The dry thickness should be between 3 - 4 mils. Each coat should be applied as lightly as possible. The sprayer should barely be spritzing each coating. You want to slowly build upon each layer until the surface has been evenly coated and the surface background is no longer visible. Use minimal flow. You should barely be able to see any flow coming from the tip of the gun. Coating should not appear wet, runny, saggy or flash after each pass. Each pass should be barely noticeable. Only apply one layer / pass per coating. Apply one pass and let dry. Allow at least 5 minutes between each pass or until the surface appears dry. A dry surface will have a matte look and not wet or shiny. Always use a white primer before applying.
The average pot life is 2 to 3 hours before gelling, depending on temperature and humidity. Do not apply when temperatures are below 40 degrees Fahrenheit or very high humidity. Drying time will vary depending on temperature, humidity, and location.
Apply using a brush, roller, or airless sprayer (.013 tip to start). Spread coating uniformly. The Spread rate may vary depending on the profile and porosity of the surface. Apply two coats on floors for pedestrian and vehicle traffic and walls subjected to water and cleaning. Let the surface dry for 36 hours for pedestrian traffic and 72 hours for vehicular traffic. Please review the Specification Guide.
If you are going to spray the Paint On Screen product you should spray the primer in the same manner as the finished Paint On Screen product.
Paint On Screen works excellent on drywall. There is no special preparation needed and no special methods of application. It is an extremely easy product to use and produces solid, accurate results.
Apply two (2) Light Coats. Let dry between each coat. Paint within the lines! It's that easy.
General Specifications:
3.78 L = 240" diagonal = 170 Square ft finished coverage
Gain = .8 - 6.0 ( depending on selection )
110 - 160 Viewing Angle ( Cone )
10.5 lbs / gal
See Specification Guide.
Zero - Low VOC, Water Soluble.
Helpful Hints:
If placing on a wall that has already been painted, prepare the area to be painted with a light sanding and primer.
You can choose to use any type of border you want. A flat black or stained trim of any style can be used for a more classic look while some opt not to use any border for an invisible modern look.
Paint On Screen can be used on vaulted or domed ceilings, theater rooms with hidden speakers, media rooms, 3D gaming rooms, simulators, Anywhere!

999+ Fine Silver Projection Screen. We are the 1st and only manufacturer in the world producing real Ag .999+ fine silver projection screen paint.
High Definition 3D Projection requires a high amount of polarization retaining material to deliver a low Ratio of Extinction in order for the polarized image to stay sharp after its initial spectral reflection with the screen. Typical 3D projection systems employ the use of very large screens and are best suited for spraying the screen composition onto.
Paint On Screen is the only manufacturer of 3D Silver-based projection screens that can be used in the home as well as in commercial applications. 3D4K can be used to 2D applications where ambient light is high and the projector needs as much light gain as possible.
Paint On Screen COLORS. Need to match the interior of your room. Don't want to see the projection screen on the wall when the projector is off? Guess what? We are the only manufacturer in the world producing screens in the color of your choice!
Match Any Decor. You provide a color chip, name or hex value and we will custom blend your choice into our patented ultra-fine formulation. Everything you love about projections screens without the boring rectangle on the wall. Now you can seamlessly match any size to any decor. Just provide the color information of your choice and we will send you an HD, 3D active, 4k, single formulation ready to paint onto any surface.
Gain, Contrast, Ambient Light Rejection, Resolution, Uniformity, and Flat Spectral Response all play an important part in image clarity. No other product, in any form, performs to a higher standard than Paint On Screen. It was conceived as an easy roll-on or spray solution that manages each variable of video projection. It became a calculated formula that maximizes pixel definition, provides perfect uniformity, introduces zero color shift or tinting all while rejecting specular and diffused reflection (also known as ambient light) with its inherent layering technology. Paint On Screen is now the world-leading in projection coatings and custom formulations.
Because of the unique structural properties of the compounds formed in Paint On Screen, light passes through leafed and channeled "mirrors", allowing the screen to intensify and return radiant pictures that surpass the best of conventional screens. These channeled mirrors are so small that only the light defined by the pixel is returned to the viewer thus producing a razor-sharp image.
Paint On Screen uses a specialized and highly refined silver metallic base to ensure pixel clarity, sharpness, and uniform brightness. Our silver is known for being the most contrast-boosting and color-enhancing material of any screen type.
The advantages of having a permanent painted screen are obvious. A screen that doesn't flex or roll up allows for the perfect light-producing structures to form. In order to achieve the highest resolution, your image support must be very rigid. Slight curves and even unperceived unequal tension will cause less than desirable uniformity and thus reduce pixel clarity and resolution. Using paint instead of traditional vinyl material is the only way to ensure a perfect picture.
Why A Painted Static Screen Out Performs A Roll Up Screen?
- Any screen that rolls up changes its structural surface area and loses its performance level quickly.
- A painted screen is not susceptible to damage as with a flexible cloth/material screen. Paint On Screen can be wiped clean with no loss of performance. In the event that the screen is damaged, you can always apply a fresh new coat for a brand new finish!
- Paint On Screen costs hundreds less than even entry-level theater screens and outperforms the most expensive.
A screen that doesn't flex or roll up allows for the perfect light-producing structures to form. Using paint instead of a traditional material screen is the only way to ensure a perfect picture.
Projection Screen Paint is very good at:
Projection Screen Paint Offers:
- Boosting Contrast
- Adding Depth to Images
- Liquefying Blacks
- Eliminating Hotspots
- Expanding Viewing Angle
- Rejecting Ambient Light
- Low Ratio of Extinction for 3D
- 4K Ultra HD Compatible
- 160 Degree Wide Axis Viewing
- High Polarization Retention
Wall and Ceiling Paint. Why does it matter?
What surrounds your screen can change the hue and saturation of the image projected onto the screen. Most screens stop with the black border and just assume you won't notice any light being bounced around the room and washing out your image. Screens that are close to the wall and ceiling are very likely to pick up a color shift from the surrounding painted environment. Like audio, light can bounce off hard, nonporous structures. If your walls and ceiling are coated with an eggshell of higher sheen coating they will easily bounce ambient light coming from the screen. This, in turn, makes the projected image less vibrant and appears washed out.
Using our Wall and Ceiling solves this ambient light and acoustic reverb problem. Using our ultra-matte finish combined with our cell isolated coating technology produces a coating that absorbs both light and sound transmission.
We offer a 100% satisfaction Guarantee. Under no circumstances will you not be completely satisfied with our service and coatings performance. We work for you and your project's performance goals. Our clients can call 800-236-8015 or email us at from anywhere in the world, anytime, 24-7, 365. We are always open and ready to serve your coatings needs.